Big Trike Adventure

Bikewell Bear and Pedals the Bunny have learned so much this week. Mrs. Huggins has gotten them ready to ride by teaching them three very important safety lessons. Do you remember what they are? (Announce: “1. Always wear your helmet,” “2. Never ride in the street,” and “3. Always be careful near driveways!” You are all so smart, and we are almost ready to ride!) Tomorrow is the big St. Jude Trike‑A‑Thon, and Mrs. Huggins has one more very important lesson to teach us all. While on the playground, Mrs. Huggins said, “You are almost ready for our St. Jude Trike‑A‑Thon! And the very last lesson I will teach you is . . .” And WHOOPS! Bikewell Bear was not looking where he was riding on his trike, and he accidentally bumped right into Mrs. Huggins! But she just smiled down at Bikewell, and then she said, “The last lesson, is to always watch where you are going!” Bikewell Bear told Mrs. Huggins he was very sorry that he bumped into her. Bikewell Bear and Pedals the Bunny rode away to join the rest of their class. Everyone was finally ready to ride in the St. Jude Trike‑A‑Thon! 22 DAY 4 - ALWAYS WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING