Big Trike Adventure

DAY 2 - NEVER RIDE IN THE STREET The next day, Bikewell Bear and Pedals the Bunny were still very excited about the St. Jude Trike‑A‑Thon. Everyone in class had picked out a trike and a helmet, because everyone remembered the lesson learned yesterday. Always wear a helmet! Today, Mrs. Huggins has another lesson to teach: “Never ride your tricycle in the street! Cars are big and fast, and they can hurt you if they do not see you in the street. Stay in places that are safe to ride!” During recess, Bikewell and Pedals rode their trikes, and Bikewell pretended to be a race car driver – VROOM VROOM! Bikewell rode down the sidewalk and headed toward the street. Then, he saw a car coming – oh no! Bikewell remembered exactly what to do. Do you remember what Mrs. Huggins told him to do? Class answers: “Never ride in the street!” (Announce: “That’s right! You can ride your trike on the sidewalk if you are careful, but never ride in the street.) 14