Big Trike Adventure

Bikewell Bear was so excited to come to school. He knew it was almost time to ride in the St. Jude Trike‑A‑Thon with all of his friends. Bikewell Bear already knew the first and most important lesson about trike safety: (Ask the class, “When you ride your trike, what should you always remember to wear?” Announce: “Your helmet!”) Pedals the Bunny was excited, too. She was so excited that she jumped on her trike without putting her helmet on! Before Bikewell Bear could give Pedals her helmet, she rode away! Pedals went a little too fast, and she slid right off her trike! She bumped her head, and it hurt. Luckily, she was okay. Mrs. Huggins gave her a big hug and a bandage for her boo-boo. 10 DAY 1 - ALWAYS WEAR YOUR HELMET